Health Tourism


What is Health Tourism?

It is the transportation of people from their country of residence to a higher quality and relatively
Traveling to other countries where they can get cheaper services is called Health Tourism.
In this travel, the person who goes for treatment is called a health tourist. All over the world
Millions of patients from around the world travel to other countries every year to seek health care,
This orientation also constitutes the health tourism sector.
The factors that cause the development of health tourism in the world can be listed as follows;
Expensive health services in the country of residence
Desire to receive better quality health services in a shorter period of time
Long waiting times for treatment
The treatment to be performed is not covered by the insurance

Health Tourism and Obesity Surgery

In recent years, easy access to food, unhealthy diet, sedentary life and
obesity has become an increasing disease all over the world with the effect of the pandemic.
has arrived. When obesity patients cannot lose weight with diet and sports, bariatric surgery
They resort to treatments. Health institutions in Turkey for obesity surgery
and hospitals have come a long way in the last 15-20 years and have attracted thousands of foreign patients.
has performed successful operations. In this way, patients can avoid both obesity and
They get rid of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, which are side effects of obesity.

The World Prefers Turkey for Weight Loss

Turkey, with its quality healthcare organizations and hospitals, strong technological infrastructure and
With its geopolitical location, historical and cultural texture and trained health personnel
Turkey is among the leading countries in health tourism with the steps taken.
With new investments and incentives every day, Turkey is one of the world's leading countries in health tourism.
is a candidate to become a leading country in the world.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Abuoğlu and his team are achieving great successes

By treating many obesity patients from Turkey and Europe, he has achieved significant success.
General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Hasan Abuoğlu and his team, Marmara Obesity Clinic Istanbul and contribute to health tourism continues to provide.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Abuoğlu and his team provide all technological and medical
By closely following the developments in the fight against obesity, specialized treatment for patients programs are prepared and implemented.


Bariatric Surgery treatments, surgical treatments and non-surgical (surgery)
treatments are divided into two:

Surgical Treatments:

1. Sleeve Gastrectomy
2. Gastric Bypass Surgery
3. Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery
4. Type 2 Diabetes Surgery
4. Revision Surgery

Non-Surgical Treatments:

1. Gastric Balloon (Endoscopic)
2. Swallowable Gastric Balloon
3. Stomach Botox Application

In addition, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacı Hasan Abuoğlu has performed over 5000 bariatric surgery operations.
and his specially developed “4L” program for bariatric surgery.
Technic” bariatric surgery technique, followed by surgeons all over the world,
is applied to obesity patients. After bariatric surgery, the patient's pain, pain
This method, which is bleeding-free and completely eliminates the risk of leakage
the treatment process progresses much more easily.

The Most Preferred Obesity Surgery: Gastric Sleeve Surgery

BMI (Body Mass Index) determined by the World Health Organization
Index), i.e. Body Mass Index (BMI) criteria. Body Mass
Index (BMI); obtained by dividing the height (cm) of the person by the square of the weight (kg)
is calculated. As a result of the calculated body mass index, the patient is classified as obese (between 30-35), extremely obese
(between 35-40) or morbidly obese (more than 40) Obesity
Can benefit from surgery treatments.
In order to be eligible for sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the patient's body mass index should be 35 and above.
should have a value of one.
People with serious weight problems and problems such as fatty liver disease
a special 15-day pre-operative nutrition program for patients
This makes the surgery risk-free for the patient.

Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Gastrectomy:

As the stomach size is reduced, satiety is achieved with less food.
By removing the fundus section where the hunger hormone (ghrelin) is secreted
the desire to eat decreases.
The duration is less than most obesity surgeries. The surgery takes an average of 1 hour
lasts longer.
Requires less hospitalization.
There is no foreign body inserted into the body.
No interference with absorption in the intestines. Therefore, vitamins and minerals
deficiencies occur less frequently. Because the intestines are untouched, nutrients
digested at a normal rate.
Loss of 60-80% of excess weight in a period of one year


International “Health Tourism” Authorization Certificate

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Abuoğlu has been entitled to receive the International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate as he has met the practice standards set by the Ministry of Health and the conditions of having a sufficient number of specialist health personnel.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Abuoğlu, with years of professional experience and knowledge, obesity surgery
closely following the innovations in the fields of Turkey, Europe and
the most modern bariatric surgery for patients from many countries around the world
continues to apply treatments with its expert team.


+90 544 165 05 04
Obesity Surgery Call Center
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24 hours a day, 7 days a week